Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chewing gum for the mind. OR - I'm Back in the saddle again......

Greetings seekers-O-tha' fun,

I hope that you have been well (I'm not sick, but I'm not well).  Only thing worse than an amateur writer is a blogger that does not update his / her page. Well, I'm not a him / her, I'm a force to be reckoned with. While I may not be 8 foot tall and bullet proof, I did just down a protein shake that claims to get you "shredded". Not quite sure what that means, but it doesn't sound pleasant.

We (I say "we", you and I, this is a partnership. I rant, you read, then comment, then I rant again and the whole process repeats itself) are going to try something new this go-round. I'm going to "publish" (yeah that's what they call what I am doing) my not so random thoughts and you are going to respond with your witty come-backs, two cents, advice, back stories, and / or ridiculously critical analysis.

Right now, go to the bottom of this post. Go ahead, it won't hurt (okay, just a little...kinda like peroxide). Click on comment and then, well,...comment.

Let me have it. Keep it clean, keep it real. But for goodness sake, don't keep it to yourself.


1 comment:

Keep it real, keep it clean, let me have it....

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